Screen Shots
Here are some sample screen shots from Banner Maker Pro.
The first screen is the Home Tab. All features can be quickly accessed by selecting the tabs at the top. The graphic is always shown in the preview panel so you know exactly what the finished product will look like as you are working on it. There are no hidden menus, all properties appear on each of the topics for a tab.
This is the Text tab. All the fonts on your system are available in their individual type so you do not have to hunt to find that 'special' font. All changes to the banner are made as an item is changed. In addition to all of the other effects, text can be centered vertically and horizontally.
This is the Text+ tab. The options here allow you to change the 'look' of the text. A shadow can be added. A border can be placed around the letters. The spacing between the letters can be changed, as well as the direction of the shadow.
This is the Power Preview. The Power Preview allows you to view 100s of different variations of your image with different backgrounds and fonts. In this example, the background colors and the fonts are randomly selected. When you find a combination you like better you can just select it and your image will now have the new features.
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This is the One Step Animation Page. The options here allow you to take any still image, and animate by just choosing the animation option and then saving. There are over 25 different animations to choose from.